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PetVet Manager
Your pet virtual diary


Welcome to PetVet Manager, your pet diary. Here you can track all of your pet needs and make sure that you never forget anything important.


Track when is done, when expires, brands and everything you want to know.


Keep log of all of your vaccinations, brands, types, when your pet is due to be vaccinated again.


Describe your pet diet, daily portions, what food you like or hated...


Log all the dangerous alergies that can harm our beloved pets.


Track any sickness progression, what medicine you need to give and never forget was it 1 or 1 and a half pills.


Receive simple notifications on your main pet card to quickly identify if anyhting is exiring.


Visit our blog section and checkout the latest articles for our pets.

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Looking for company for a dog walk, or you want to find friends for your pet? Check out our walks section and create your own post.
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About Us

We are a small team of few people and a lot of cats and dogs:) We love all animals and our pets and our goal is to make taking care for them more easy and organized. We know how hard it is to track the feeding habbits, dewormings, vaccinations and everything else concerning our pets and how easy is to forget something important. We hope that with our app all those tasks will be a lot easier and we will never miss or forget anything important. Also we hope that we can help with interesting and valuable information thru our blog and to make finding company for walks or whatever else activities our pets like easy.

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